Evidence of three-nucleon force effects from 130 MeV deuteron-proton breakup cross section measurement
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The measurement of exclusive deuteron-proton breakup for kinematics covering a large fraction of the available phase space has been performed using 130 MeV deuteron beam. High precision fivefold cross section data in 38 kinematical configurations have been compared to predictions of modern nuclear forces. To this aim the three-nucleon (3N) Faddeev equations have been solved rigorously using the nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials AV18, charge-dependent Bonn, Nijm I, and Nijm II alone, and combining them with the 2π -exchange Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon force (TM 3NF ) and with its modified version TM99, more consistent with chiral symmetry. The AV18 potential was also combined with the Urbana IX 3NF . Global comparison of the measured cross sections to pairwise NN force predictions only and with 3NF ’s included clearly reveals the presence of 3NF effects. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of the kinematically complete breakup reaction studied in the full phase space to search for 3NF effects.
論文 | ランダム
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