Liquid phase immunoassay utilizing magnetic marker and high Tc superconducting quantum interference device
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We have developed a liquid phase immunoassay system utilizing a magnetic marker and a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). In this system, the magnetic marker was used to detect the biological material called antigen. The magnetic marker was designed so as to generate a remanence, and the remanence field of the markers that bound to the antigens was measured with the SQUID. The measurement was performed in a solution that contained both the bound and free (or unbound) markers, i.e., without using the so-called bound/free (BF) separation process. The Brownian rotation of the free markers in the solution was used to distinguish the bound markers from the free ones. Using the system, we conducted the detection of biological material called IgE without BF separation. At present, we could detect the IgE down to 7 pg (or 39 amol)
- 2006-09-01
論文 | ランダム
- 地域経済対談(17 下)谷本正憲 石川県知事&安宅建樹 北國銀行頭取
- 地域経済対談(17 上)谷本正憲石川県知事&安宅建樹北國銀行頭取
- 地域密着型金融で活路を開く(7)事業承継 北国銀行/西日本シティ銀行
- 地域とともに(第78回)北國銀行 安宅建樹頭取に聞く--率先垂範モットーに陣頭指揮
- 談論風発 北國銀行頭取 安宅建樹氏 富山県のセカンドバンクニーズを掘り起こす