半栽培から引き出される資源管理の持続性 ―宮城県北上川河口地域における人々とヨシ原のかかわりから―
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This article tries to analyze the sustainability of the management of natural resources from theviewpoint of semi-domestication. This approach took up, as a case, the relation between the utilizationof the river and the social organization on the reed field spreading over the Kitakami estuary in MiyagiPrefecture, and analyzed sociologically the system of the preservation of the resources. The reed has beenmaintained as the reed field in this district though its value as the resources has been reduced. Based on the fact, this article revealed what had maintained the reed. In utilizing the reed, peopleliving in this district need to be concerned with the reed through social organization called “Keiyakuko”.They have been considerably regulated by the common norms of Keiyakuko. Their collective way of beingconcerned with the reed had firmness which made them insist on their right strongly on one hand andflexibility which made their consensus building possible, on the other hand. Under these circumstances, thereed field has been maintained. Further more, the reed, the regional resources, has been ranked mainly asthe object of a side job and has been the common wealth of Keiyakuko, which has made it continue to existin their life. This article showed that what had maintained the reed field was not the strict and all protecting wayof the preservation of the resources but the semi-domestication relations which contained both firmnessand flexibility on the utilization of the riverbed and social organization. This article considered what kind ofsustainability Today’s management of the resources of the region can have by understanding the change of natureand the system of society and variation of both.
- 2010-08-24
論文 | ランダム
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