日本人英語学習者の「良い読み」の調査研究 -言外の意味を推論しながら読むことの効果-
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To be able to llnderstand English writlng ln lingulStic sense is one thing, but to be able to read and comprehend it is another. This survey aims to analyze how good readers comprehend English writing. The examinees were given 0. Henry'S After Twenty Years as the text.While reading the short story, they were to answer questions. Based on their answers, how the examinees read and comprehended were analyzed. The result of the survey showed that,generally speaking, those who succeeded in comprehending the plot tried to infer implicit meanlng, While the others ended up summarlZlng the text passively. Correlation was found between infbrring Implicit meanlng and reading comprehension
- 2009-12-28
論文 | ランダム
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