The 150th anniversary of Nagasaki University School of Medicine: recovery from the atomic disaster and evolution of the department of neurosurgery.
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NAGASAKI IS LOCATED on the western edge of Japan, closer to the Asian continent. Because of this geographical proximity, Nagasaki became a gateway for the introduction of continental culture and civilization to Japan. After the port of Nagasaki was opened for trade with the Portuguese in 1571, Nagasaki had a central role in cultural exchange with the West and China until the latter half of the 19th century. As a result of the political situation, students came to Nagasaki from all over Japan to obtain information on Western science, especially in medicine, turning Nagasaki into a hub for modern academic studies. The first medical facility in Japan educating doctors in the Western style was founded in Nagasaki in 1857. Despite the tragedy of World War II, the medical school arose again. More than 10 000 physicians have completed their studies at the medical school since its founding. The Department of Neurosurgery at Nagasaki University had its origins within the Second Department of Surgery and became an independent department in 1973. The post of professor was assumed by Kazuo Mori and succeeded in 1991 by Shobu Shibata and in 2003 by Izumi Nagata, who holds the post at the time of this writing. Neurosurgery is dynamic and constantly changing at Nagasaki University with work in progress on technological, diagnostic, and surgical innovations that permit the treatment of highly complex cases. In 2007, the 150th anniversary of the founding of Nagasaki University School of Medicine was celebrated with a number of commemorative events.
論文 | ランダム
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