Extrahypothalamic Projection of Immunoreactive Vasotocin Fibers in the Brain of the Toad, Bufo japonicus
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Extrahypothalamic projection of vasotocin (AVT) fibers in the brain of the toad (Bufo japonicus) was examined immunohistochemically by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method. Immunoreactive AVT perikarya are localized in the nucleus preopticus pars magnocellularis. The AVT neurons send their immunoreactive varicose fibers to many discrete brain regions, such as the limbic cortex, the thalamus, the optic tectum and the lower brain stem, in addition to the neurohypophysis. A dense network of AVT fibers was found in the septal nuclei and the anterior part of the preoptic nucleus. AVT fibers which run postero-dorsad project to the nucleus posterocentralis thalami, the nucleus posterodorsalis tegmenti mesencephali, and the nucleus isthmi. Meanwhile, AVT fibers which run through in the dorsal infundibular region and then the mesencephalic reticular formation are distributed in the medulla oblongata. These findings suggest that AVT acts as a neuromodulator or a local hormone in the toad brain.
- Zoological Society of Japanの論文
Zoological Society of Japan | 論文
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