2010 Report on the Puan Program: How did student-teachers' beliefs about language learning and pedagogical skills evolve after a two week teaching practice in Thailand?
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The Puan Program is a two week English teaching intership at a Thai secondary school for English Department students of Iwate University. In Thdland, secondary schools consist of the equivalent grades of Japanese Junior and senior high schools. This paper will briefly introduce the PuanProgram and its goals. Next, it will introduce 4 students who participated inthe program in January 2010, and show how their pedagogical skills and beliefs, about foreign language learning and teaching evolved during the practicum. Finany, based on the results, this paper will make suggestions about how the program can be improved. This paper is written for studentswho are interested in participating in the programs, as well as to serve as a reference for other educators who have similar programs, or would like to institute such a program.
- 2010-03-23
論文 | ランダム
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