地方財政からみた道州制の課題に関する検討 <研究ノート>
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地方分権と道州制に関する基礎的資料と政策的示唆を得るため、都道府県・市町村財政(2007年度決算)のデータを道州制11区域案にくくり替えて、現状の歳入のもとで道州制が導入された場合における地域間の受益・負担関係、地域間財政調整の程度、地域間・地域内の財政力格差、長期債務や基礎的財政収支の状況を点検した。これらをふまえ移譲財源の内容、地域間財政調整の留意事項、地方分権と地域経済の課題について検討した。The plans intended to transfer prefecture government system into Do-shu, a wider regional one, have been discussed formally and informally in recent Japan. The idea of Do-shu stems from such correlated situations that; public opinion on decentralization from the central government to the local ones has grown up; prefecture governments have been weakening their roles while cities and towns have been strengthening their power as a result of the merger; fiscal constraints both of central and local governments have become seriously with reduction and aging of population.But fiscal difficulties of Do-shu have not been reviewed so much. This paper examines how the balance of benefits and payments between Do-shu will be, if the fiscal adjustment among Do-shu will be possible, and if public finance of Do-shu will be sustainable. We can get some implication towards introducing Do-shu system through this examination.
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