- 論文の詳細を見る
This research was conducted using a questionnaire survey involving 628 male and female university students with the following two objectives:1)Identify the relationship between the perception of social rights and wrongs as a standard for "makeup behavior" in public,and to what degree people actually engage in "makeup behavior" in public.2)Investigate the relationship of how differences in self-consciousness and other-consciousness playsa role in "makeup behavior" in public,and their perception of it in relation to social rights and wrongs.Summarizing the results, "makeup behavior" in public and perception of social rights and wrongs were affected by the presence of strangers or non-strangers. Both the men and women who perceived that "makeup behavior" in relatively public places in the presence of strangers was socially acceptable were also prone to engage in makeup application,regardless of the presence of strangers or non-strangers. "Makeup behavior" in public and the perception of social rights and wrongs were influenced by public self-consciousness in men,and external another person-consciousness in women.
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