- 論文の詳細を見る
Distributions of shellfish have been investigated to estimate the state of eurtofication in the Seta River. Distributions of shellfish showed the following facts: Corbicula sandai, which is assigned to an index species of α-oligosaprob zone, has decreased to 1.3% of the inhabiting density in 1960, while the population of Sinotaia histrica, an index species of α-mesosaprob zone, has increased 12 times during the last twelve years. The latter occupies over 95% of all the shellfish. It is worth noting that almost all the Sinotaia histrica are living in a limited area of the river. The state of the Seta River is estimated to be α-mesosapro from the viewpoint of the distribution of shellfish.
- 滋賀大学教育学部附属湖沼実習施設の論文
- 1980-00-00
滋賀大学教育学部附属湖沼実習施設 | 論文
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