湘南ひらつかキャンパス(SHC)天文台可視光観測システムの立ち上げおよび太陽系外惑星HD189733b のトランジット観測
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An optical observation system for imaging and photometry was installed at SHC (Shonan Hiratsuka Campus) observatory. This system consists of a 35 cm diametertelescope (Meade LX200R-35) and a cooled CCD camera (SBIG STL-1001E) with an additional guiding system. For performance verification of this system, we made observations of a transit of extrasolar planet HD189733b. A clear signature of the transit was successfully detected, and we derived the planet's radius Rp = 1.17 ± 0.08 RJ and orbital inclination I = 85.6 ± 0.7˚ under simple assumptions. These values are consistent with previous studies demonstrating that it is ready for further observational studies, such as monitoring the variation of orbital parameters due to perturbation from other planets. However, it was also found that the measured photometric accuracy was much worse than expected. We showed some improvement plans for observation and data reduction, which will contribute to the improvement of photometric accuracy.
- 2010-06-30
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- 湘南ひらつかキャンパス(SHC)天文台可視光観測システムの立ち上げおよび太陽系外惑星HD189733b のトランジット観測
- 吉田直紀, 宇宙137億年解読;コンピューターで探る歴史と進化, 東京大学出版会, 東京, 2009, x+156p, 21×15cm, 本体2,400円, (UT Physics 6), [学部向], ISBN978-4-13-064105-0
- 宇宙線・宇宙物理領域, 素粒子論領域「一般相対性理論の誕生・発展・将来の展開」(第60回年次大会シンポジウムの報告)
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