One- and two-dimensional spectral diffusion of type-II excitons in InP/InAs/InP core-multishell nanowires
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Spectral diffusion of type-II excitons in InP/InAs/InP core-multishell nanowires (CMNs) and type-I excitons in an InAs/InP single quantum well (SQW) was studied by means of time-resolved and spectrally resolved photoluminescence. InP/InAs/InP CMNs in hexagonal symmetry are made of six facets and six edges which work as two-dimensional quantum wells and one-dimensional quantum wires, respectively. At 5 K type-II excitons lose their energy in two stages. In the first stage, two-dimensional spectral diffusion takes place in the type-II quantum well region in CMNs similar to spectral diffusion of type-I excitons in the InAs/InP SQW. In the second stage, slower one-dimensional spectral diffusion takes place in the quantum wire region in CMNs. Acoustic-phonon-mediated migration of excitons to lower-energy-localized states leads to the spectral diffusion in two dimensions and one dimension.
- 2010-08-15
本久 順一
北海道大学 大学院 情報科学研究科
Motohisa Junichi
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
福井 孝志
Fukui T
Research Center For Integrated Quantum Electronics Hokkaido University
Sakuma Yoshiki
National Institute For Materials Science (nims)
Sakuma Yoshiki
Nanomaterials Laboratory National Institute For Materials Science
本久 順一
Fukui T
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
本久 順一
- One- and two-dimensional spectral diffusion of type-II excitons in InP/InAs/InP core-multishell nanowires
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