Surgical Treatment for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
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破裂性腹部大動脈瘤に対する,術前・術中背景因子と治療手順の変遷に伴う臨床成績の向上について検討した.対象は1980年1月から1997年12月までに東京女子医科大学病院循環器外科で人工血管置換術を施行した破裂性腹部大動脈瘤48例であり,切迫破裂は対象から除外した.年齢は平均69±12歳で,男女比は42対6であった.1980~1989年までの前期26症例をgroup I,1990~1997年までの後期22症例をgroup IIとし,臨床成績を比較検討した.group IIにおいて,破裂から手術開始までの時間は有意に短縮(group I : group II=12.7±13.4:6.9±4.1時間,p<0.05)し,自己血返血による血行動態の維持と,術中迅速な大動脈中枢側遮断に努力した.早期死亡は全体で23%(group I : group II=42:0%),死因はDIC4例,腎不全3例,失血死2例,他2例であった.早期死亡の背景因子の検討では,年齢,性別,入院時血圧, Hb,術中尿量,開胸等に有意差を認めなかった.破裂から手術までの時間,手術から大動脈遮断までの時間は生存退院例で短い傾向にあった.また統計学上の有意差は,術中出血量(生存退院:早期死亡=1,465±1,827 : 7,691±3,122ml),輸血量(生存退院:早期死亡=3,257±1,440 : 7,234±2,885ml)およびbase excess(生存退院:早期死亡= -4.3±4.8: -11±5.3mmol/l)で認め,いずれも生存退院例で良好であった.迅速な出血のコントロールと自己血返血による血行動態の維持が手術成績に反映された.To investigate the surgical results and the preoperative states of patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, we carried out a retrospective review of ruptured infrarenal atherosclerotic aortic aneurysms at our institution. Forty-eight cases of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm were treated between January 1980 and December 1997. We classified the cases into two groups: group I (26 cases), 1980~1989; group II (22 cases), 1990~1997 and evaluated the surgical results and the preoperative states. The average interval between rupture and operation was 12.7 ± 13.4 hours in group I compared to 6.9 ± 4.1 hours in group II (p<0.05). The overall mortality rate was 23%. The surgical results have improved every year and the mortality rate was zero in group II. Most of the causes of previous surgical deaths were DIG (4 cases) and renal failure (3 cases). The patients in group I received transfusion of 5,736 ± 2,809 ml of blood, while those in group II received 3,257 ± 1,440 ml (p<0.05). The surgical treatment for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm have improved significantly due to the decrease of blood loss under the rapid control of bleeding, that means rapid proximal clamping and the autotransfusion of shed blood.
- 2000-12-25
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