Operative Indications for Enophthalmos Due to Orbital Fractures
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眼窩底骨折16例について治療成績を比較検討した.8例には保存的治療を,他の8例には手術療法を行い,保存的治療を行ったうち1例に複視,2例に眼球陥凹の後遺症が残ったが,手術療法を行ったうちの1例で頬部のしびれ感および眼球陥凹が後遺症として残った.受傷後に複視が改善しても将来的に複視等の後遺症が出現する可能性がある.眼球陥凹をきたす可能性がある程度の眼窩底骨折は積極的に手術を施行すべきである.The need for surgery is indicated for an orbital floor fracture, and is often decided by the presence of eye movement disorder or diplopia. Enophthalmos will occur from several months to several years after injury, even when there is no diplopia, and in some cases where eye symptoms such as diplopia appear even later than this. We examined the occurrence of enophthalmos after surgical and conservative treatment of orbital floor fractures. The sequelae after operation were fewer than after conservative therapy. Surgery is clearly indicated when the contents of orbit have prolapsed. It is better not try to forecast the extent of shrinkage of the orbital contents over time, and to operate early after the injury.
- 2000-08-25
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