The Stability of DSM-IV Diagnoses in the So-called Endogenous Psychoses : Five Years of Follow-up
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1985年から1990年の間に東京女子医科大学病院精神科に初回入院した患者を母集団として,5年以上の観察が可能であった内因性精神病圏の症例について病歴調査をおこなった.大うつ病群,双極I型群,精神分裂病群,分裂病様障害群の診断をうけた84例について,診断の長期的恒常性を調査した.DSM-IVの精神分裂病は,少なくとも数年の期間内は,大うつ病群と同じく安定した群であった.双極1型群もかなり安定しているものの,この群には気分に調和しない精神病像を伴う一群が含まれており,それらは不安定であった.分裂病様障害群は,その50%に精神分裂病への診断変更がみられた.また長期的に社会的職業的機能の指標であるglobal assessment of functioning(GAF)が顕著に低下した.A medical record survey was performed on patients who were admitted to the Department of Psychiatry of Tokyo Women's Medical College for the first time from 1985 through 1990 and were followed for at least five years. Four groups of patients (n= 84) diagnosed with major depressive disorder, bipolar I disorder, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform disorder were compared, and the long-term stability of their diagnoses was assessed. DSM-IV schizophrenia is stable for at least several years similarly to major depressive disorder. Bipolar I patients showed also comparable stability, but contained an unstable subgroup with mood incongruent psychotic features. In the schizophreniform disorder group, 50% of the patients had a change in diagnosis to schizophrenia. This group also showed a marked decrease in the global assessment of functioning (GAF) score over time.
- 1998-09-25
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