Nickel(II) complexes bearing a pincer ligand containing thioamide units: Comparison between SNS- and SCS-pincer ligands
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Nickel(II) complexes bearing a κ3SNS pincer ligand, 2,5-bis(benzylaminothiocarbonyl)pyrrolyl (L1) and a κ3SCS-pincer ligand, 2,6-bis(benzylaminothiocarbonyl)phenyl (L2), were synthesized, and their structures and electrochemical properties were elucidated. The crystal structures of [Ni(SNS)Br] (2) and [Ni(SCS)Br] (5) were determined by X-ray crystallography. The electrochemical and crystallographic data obtained from the complexes revealed that the κ3SCS ligand has a stronger electron-donating ability than the κ3SNS ligand.
- 2010-08-10
論文 | ランダム
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