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大阪市天王寺区にある旧真田山陸軍墓地(真田山陸軍墓地)は, 日本で最初に作られた陸軍墓地である。しかし, その実態については研究が近年はじまったばかりである。国立歴史民俗博物館の調査報告書がまとめられているが, 解明されていない問題も多い。本稿では, 最初の被葬者である下田織之助について明らかになったことを紹介し, 同墓地に残されている埋葬人名簿と現在の墓碑銘等の一部を比較検討し, 西南戦争当時の墓石作成についての事情の一端を述べた。このほか, 現時点での研究上の疑問をいくつか提出した。 (英文) The former Sanadayama Military Cemetery located in Tennoji Ward, Osaka City, is the first military cemetery built in Japan. However, researchers have just recently started to study the entire picture of this cemetery. While the National Museum of Japanese History has compiled a report on this cemetery, there are some issues that have not yet been clarified. This paper introduced what has been clarified regarding Orinosuke Shimoda who was the first deceased person buried there, and we weighed the list of those who buried in this cemetery and looked at part of the current tombstones. This paper also described part of the circumstances related to making gravestones at the time of Seinan War. In addition, we presented some questions currently be considered by this research.
論文 | ランダム
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