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論文Being the terminology of mind-and-body dualism, "Health" is understood as "having no illness". WHO has proposed a wider definition for health, which is, "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". And since the concept of health was spread all over the world in the meaning of antonym of sickness, social anthropology has given a main place to sicknesses, "not to health." However, before the concept of health comes into a local society, there must have been synonyms forit. So in this study l uses "ping-an" (平安) (" peace", in Chinese and Taiwanese) as the keyword. As the example of this study, I use some discourses of members in True Jesus Church in Taiwan. This church is the proper case for this study since it was established in continental China and grewin Taiwan after the WWII. Now they exist 224 churches and 45496 members in Taiwan. This is one of the biggest Church in Taiwan. As a result l focus on the aspect of ping-an which they accept, and describe how they use it for spiritual health.
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