- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how municipal expense burden teachers system was introduced as the special educational zone, and to clarify the process that was extended to nationwide, and discusses it about the significance and problem.// In municipalities, in order to meet the needs for fine education according to the reality of the area, realization of the municipal expense burden teachers system was called for. The 810 project was examined immediately and national deployment was carried out from the 2006 fiscal year.// In this way, lt is big advance for appointment of the teachers of public elementary and junior high schools of muicipalities to have been miquely attained according to the reality of area by national deployment of the municipal expense burden teachers system. However, it is the "addition measure" formed after the minimum of the academic level of the prefectural expense burden teachers system secured, and it is necessary to consider "complement system (= subsystem)" to the last. After all, even if passed through three years of trial in the special educational zone, fundamental problems were not necessarily solved, but possibly the problem of transference of personnel affairs authorities to municipalities have checked anew.
- 東京大学大学院教育学研究科学校開発政策コース,Department of School Improvement and Educational Policy Studies, Graduate School of Education The University of Tokyo,東京大学大学院教育学研究科の論文
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