An analysis of structural relationship among the components of quality of life of kidney transplant recipients by using a causal model
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本研究は,因果関係モデルによって,腎移植後レシピエントのQOLの構成要素間の関係を明らかにすることを目的としている。対象者は,東京,群馬,愛知,岡山,広島の7医療機関に外来通院中で,研究に同意が得られた329名の腎移植後のレシピエントである。レシピエントのQOLに関するデータは,Ferrans&PowersのQuality of Life Index―Kidney Transplant versionの測定用具を用いて収集した。収集は外来受診時に行い,対象者に自己記入式質問紙を配布し,その場で記入してもらった後,直ちに回収した。データ分析は,QOLの構成要素と構成要素間の因果関係を明らかにするために,因子分析と共分散構造分析を行った。分析結果は以下の通りである。すなわち、(1)QOLの構成要素として,社会・経済的な機能,家族の絆,情緒的な支え,身体の健康,安らぎと幸福の5つが抽出された。(2)「家族の絆」と「身体の健康」についての得点が高く,「社会・経済的な機能」についての得点が最も低かった。(3)因果関係モデルにおいて,「身体的な健康」が原点となっていた。(4)「身体的な健康」は,「家族の絆」と「社会・経済的な機能」に影響を及ぼしていた。(5)「社会・経済的な機能」は,「安らぎと幸福」と「情緒的な支え」に強く影響を及ぼしていた。(6)「家族の絆」は,「社会・経済的な機能」,「情緒的な支え」,「安らぎと幸福」に影響を及ぼしていた。したがって、レシピエントのQOLを高めるために,「身体的な健康」,「家族の絆」,「社会・経済的な機能」の側面に働きかけていくことが特に重要であると考えられた。The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship among the components of quality of life of kidney transplant recipients by using a causal model. The subjects were 329 recipients who had regular checks-up following transplantation in seven general hospitals in Tokyo, Gunma, Aichi, Okayama, and Hiroshima, and agreed to participate in this study. Ferrans and Powers's Quality of Life - Index Kidney Transplant version was used to measure perceived quality of life. The self-administered questionnaires were handed over to the subjects, who completed the instrument on the spot. After that, the answers were collected immediately. The factor analysis and the covariance structure analysis were used to make clear the structural relationship among the components of quality of life. The results of data analysis were as follows : (1) Five components of quality of life were extracted ; socio-economic functioning, family ties, emotional support, physical health, and peace & happiness. (2) The scores in the family ties dimension and the physical health dimension were higher than in the others, and the score in the socio-economic functioningdimension was the lowest. (3) The physical health showed the starting point in a causal model. (4) The physical health influenced the family ties and the socio-economicfunctioning. (5) The socio-economic functioning strongly influenced the peace & happiness and the emotional support. (6) The family ties influenced the socio-economic functioning, the emotional support, and the peace & happiness. Therefore, it was conceivable that it was particularly important to make approaches for the physical health, the family ties, and the socio-economic functioning dimensions to improve quality of life.
- 2000-03-24
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