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This is the second report on deciding the fitness for the clothes. In the firstone, from the viewpoint of human engineering, we had a hypothesis that the mode of impression of the clothes is based on some cognitive map. In order to model the subjective interpretation on the fitness for the clothes design, we analyzed the relationship between cognitive impression of clothes, their color, and materials. We focused especially on the graphical descriptors such as Lab Color System, its autocorrelation and rough image segmentation, which corresponded to the graphical attributes. Our psychological experiment indicated that the subjective interpretation consists of "general evaluation", "spatial", and "textual" factors. By analyzing the relationship between these three factors and graphical descriptors, we found that each factor requires different graphical descriptors. For the second report, furthermore, another experiments were carried out, from the results of which we tried structurizing those factors on the fitness for the clothes.本研究は、人間が服装デザイン情報を選択する際に、ふさわしさを認知する過程を人間工学的視点から考察する基礎的研究である。事務服にふさわしい服装の選択に際して「ふさわしいと感じる要因」は何かについて調査し、その構成要素を構造化することを目指している。代表的な服装パターンを被験者に見せ、パーソナル・コンストラクト理論の評価グリッド発展手法で評価項目を抽出し、統計的手法を用いて何がふさわしいと感じる要因か、その心理構成過程を分析した。その結果、服装デザインにおけるふさわしいという心理を構成する視覚認知特性形成プロセスを客観的にモデル化することができた。
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