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Though there are various reports on the way of preserving films used for density control of the automatic processor, it is hard to say that the best method isestablished. In addition, the influences on density control or their comparisons by the difference way of preserving film between regular and orthochromatic films have been hardly reported until now. In this paper, three ways of preserving films were employed, which were at a room temperature, in a refrigeration and in a freezer after the films were opened, using a regular film, Fuji new-RX and three orthochromatic films, Konica SR-G, SR-V and SR-H. We investigated the influences on gross fog, speed index and average gradient of four films on three different ways of preserving film for 35 weeks. As a result, new-RX film wasn't influenced by the ways of the preservation. On the other hand, the orthochromatic films were so influences sensitively that the films couldn't be used for density control. It was considered that sensitizing dye stuff got denatured by dew condensation.自動現像機の濃度管理に用いられるフィルムの保存については,種々の報告がなされており,最良の方法が確立されているとは言い難い。さらに,レギュラフィルムとオルソフィルムの保存方法の違いによる濃度管理への影響,あるいはこれらの比較については,これまでほとんど報告されていない。本論文では,われわれは,レギュラフィルム,フジnew-RXとオルソフィルム,コニカSR-G,SR-VおよびSR-Hを用い,開封後,室温,冷蔵,冷凍の3種類の保存方法を採用した。われわれは,35週間3種類の保存方法で4種類のフィルムのgross fog,speed indexとaverage gradientへの影響を調査した。その結果レギュラフィルムは,3種類の保存方法による差が認められなかった。オルソフィルムでは,冷蔵・冷凍保存に大きな特性変動が認められた。その原因として,オルソフィルムは増感色素が結露に対して敏感に影響を受けたと考えられた。
- 1999-12-20
論文 | ランダム
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