Anesthetic induction agents, sympathetic nerve activity and baroreflex sensitivity: a study in rabbits comparing thiopental, propofol and etomidate.
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<p>The mechanisms of arterial hypotension following intravenous anesthetic induction agents are multifactorial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of thiopental, propofol and etomidate on hemodynamics, sympathetic outflow and arterial baroreflex sensitivity using not only neuraxis-intact but also totally baro-denervated rabbits. A total of 60 rabbits was anesthetized with urethane, tracheotomized, and mechanically ventilated with oxygen in nitrogen (FiO2 0.5). The left renal sympathetic nerve was isolated and placed on a bipolar electrode to record renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). Thirty animals underwent a surgical preparation of total baroreceptor denervation. Bolus injections of an anesthesia induction dose of thiopental 4 mg/kg and twice the induction dose of propofol 4 mg/kg significantly decreased RSNA to the same extent (19.4+/-6.7 and 19.7+/-5.2% reduction, mean +/- SEM) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) also to the same extent (19.5+/-4.6 and 22.1+/-3.1% reduction) in the neuraxis-intact animals. RSNA was increased (34.5+/-6%) without reduction of MAP by an induction dose of etomidate, 0.3 mg/kg. Sympathetic barosensitivity was attenuated even 10 min after thiopental at 4 mg/kg or propofol at 4 mg/kg (68% and 54% of control, respectively). Propofol at 2 mg/kg (induction dose) and etomidate at 0.6 mg/kg decreased RSNA and MAP only in the baro-denervated animals. It was found from the barosensitivity study that patients can be hemodynamically unstable even though blood pressure has returned to normal after thiopental and propofol administration. Data suggest that etomidate can even stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and increase sympathetic outflow. It was also clearly found from the baro-denervated animal study that thiopental was stronger than propofol in directly suppressing sympathetic outflow at the induction dose.</p>
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- 社会学に於ける国家の概念--R.M.マッキーヴァの国家理論の考察
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- 社会学に於ける国家の概念 : R. M. マッキーヴァーの国家理論の考察
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