学校組織における管理職の認知的能力と社会的行動に関する実証的研究の展望 管理職の組織認知・相互作用的視点から
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The area of cognitive and interactive perspectives in educational administration have been received increasing attention. The purpose of this study was to review on research of shcool administrators' cognitive ability and social behavior in the school organization. Reseach on school administrators' social behavior was reviewed in terms of an analysis of the work behavior, interpersonal communication, and social skill. Research on school administrators' cognitive ablity was reviwed in terms of self-efficacy, stress, burn-out and problem-solving expertise. Theories of social and cognitive psychology were applied to explain the behavior of school administrators. Finally, the review was discussed the changes directed at improving the quality of shcool administrators' cognitive ability and social behavior in terms of organizational development.
- 岡山大学教育学部の論文
岡山大学教育学部 | 論文
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