Studies on the release of histamine from basophils 1. Determination of histamine from whole blood by an automated fluorometric histamine analysis system
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ヒスタミン自動分析装置により,健康人10名,気管支喘息23例の全血からのヒスタミン遊離を測定した. 抗ヒトIgEを添加した際のヒスタミン遊離は,健康人および外因性気管支喘息症例では有意の増加傾向を示したが,一方内因性喘息症例では遊離増加はほとんどみられなかった. ハウスダスト抗原添加では,ハウスダストが抗原である気管支喘息症例においてのみ全血からの有意のヒスタミン遊離の増加が観察された. 以上の結果より,ヒスタミン自動分析装置による全血からの遊離ヒスタミンの測定は,気管支喘息の病態解明の1手段として極めて有用であると考えられる.Histamine released from whole blood was determined by an automated fiuorometric histamine analysis system. The increased release of histamine from basophils by anti-IgE was observed in ten healthy subjects and 12 extrinsic asthma patients, while the release in 11 intrinsic asthma patients was significantly less as compared to that in healthy and extrinsic asthma subjects. House dust extract caused a significant increase in the histamine release from basophils of the extrinsic asthma patients who are sensitive to house dust. It was concluded from this study that histamine released from basophils could be easily determined by an automated analysis system and that themethod is useful for the diagnosis and study of allergy.
- 1983-03-25
論文 | ランダム
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