高度な専門性と実践的な指導力を有する教師の育成プログラム「教師力育成講座」の開発 -学士課程教育の構築に向けて-
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Circumstances surrounding today’s schools are becoming increasingly harsh, as evidenced by the prevalence of dysfunctional classrooms, teachers who suffer mental illnesses, and excessively demanding students and their parents who complain at every opportunity. Even after passing the teacher employment examinations, students become overwhelmed with the daunting responsibilities of standing at the podium as a teacher, and are made painfully aware of their immature leadership skills. To overcome these problems as much as possible, we have decided to offer a training course to cultivate the abilities required for teachers. The aims are to have individuals currently serving as elementary and middle school principals propose concrete educational challenges from the perspectives of continuity and change, and to have the participants nurture their "power as teachers" through addressing those challenges. Students of other departments as well as graduate students hoping to become teachers are also encouraged to take part. The friendly competition and camaraderie among students who share the same aspirations and interests will contribute to fostering an even broader and sound power asteachers.学級崩壊,心の病に陥る教師,増えるクレーマー等々の現実に,学生たちも教員採用試験に合格してから,教壇に立つことの責任の重さ,自分の指導力の未熟さを痛感し,押しつぶされそうになる。この状態を少しでも克服していくため教師力育成講座を開講することとした。不易と流行の両方の観点から具体的な教育課題を現職の小・中学校長に提案してもらい,それらの課題解決を通して教師力を育成していくことを目指す。また,他学部の教員志望学生や大学院生等にも参加を呼びかけ,志を一にする学生同士が互いに切磋琢磨し,より幅広い確かな教師力の育成に資するものである。
- 2010-03-10
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