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Patient dose is important consideration in the radiological examination and our environment regarding radiation. Many studies have been published about patient dose, but those data were classified by each organ or tissue. Actuarially, patient dose should be checked by each examined part of patient and each exposure equipment. In this paper, we measured absorbed dose at the depth of 0-200mm with the Mix-DP phantom. The phantom is made by tissue equivalent meterial and is designed to similitude abdominal part. Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) was calculated from these doses. Three single-phase generators and three three-phases generators were used in this measurement. These measurements were analyzed by each equipment, and consequently the clear difference of PDD between the exposure equipments was not found. As the result, we can estimate patient dose at a random depth by using PDD. Furthermore, we can easily know patient dose from the tube-voltage and current time product by the calculation including PDD.These data are very useful to manager patient dose on radiological diagnosis.
- 1995-12-20
論文 | ランダム
- ブックレビュー 竹内洋の読書日記(第1回)メディア論から現代を読み解く 過激な「大学改造計画」に驚嘆
- ブックレビュー 斎藤貴男の読書日記(最終回)米国に絶対服従する日本 未来の戦争は今始まっている
- ブックレビュー 斎藤貴男の読書日記(第13回)巨大な隣人・中国とどうつき合うか
- ブックレビュー 斎藤貴男の読書日記(第12回)鈴木邦男氏が問う『愛国者は信用できるか』 国家が法律で愛国心を強いるおぞましさ
- ブックレビュー 斎藤貴男の読書日記(第11回)名著『税法問題事例研究』に唸る 何のため、誰のための米軍再編