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The objective of this study was to clarify the prevalence of stress which is related to school life among elementary school students. Two thousand, four hundred and eighty-six (N=2,486) elementary school students between 5th and 6th grades completed a self-reported questionnaire. Factors of stressor, physical and psychological stress responses and stress coping were investigated. The results showed that the students experienced interpersonal relationships with friends as not only stressor but also stress coping. Based on these results, a school-based psychoeducational program to prevent stress in school life among elementary school students was developed. The second objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the program. Fifty-eight (N=58) 5th graders were enrolled in the program and completed Time 1 and Time 2 surveys. The program was implemented in one class between Time 1 and Time 2 surveys (Intervention group), but it was not implemented in the other class between Time 1 and Time 2 surveys (Control group). Both groups reported significant improvement in stress responses concerning emotional status, concentration, depressive status, and physical status. The students responded positively toward understanding themselves and others, being motivated to better handle stress in their own lives, and establishing adequaterelationships with friends.小学生の学校生活におけるストレスの実態を明らかにするために,小学校5,6年生2,486名を対象に,調査を行った。その結果,友達関係が,ストレッサーにも,ストレスコーピングにもなっていた。そこで,友達関係に着目し,ストレスを軽減することをねらいとした心理教育的プログラムを作成しその効果について評価を行った。対象は,小学5年生2学級58人である。プログラムを行った群(介入群),同じ時期にプログラムを行わなかった群(統制群)の2群に分け,介入群がプログラムを行った前後に,両群ともストレスに関する調査を実施した。その結果,介入群でも統制群でも,プログラム前から後で「情緒不安定」「集中力低下」「抑うつ」「身体症状」の有意な減少がみられた。プログラム後の児童の感想から,自己理解,他者理解,学習したことの生活での応用への意欲,友達関係向上への期待が持てる場になったことが示唆された。
- 2010-03-10
論文 | ランダム
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