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Radon bathings is indicated for chronic pain caused by degenerative changes in connective tissues by warming effect as a result of the improvement in tissue perfusion based on the experimental inhalation study for high concentration of Radon (13,764-23,743 Bq/ℓ). Radioactive radiation has been thought to be bio-negative in general. The environmental radiation in Misasa hospital of 80.7±7.8mBq/ℓ and 265.8±98.8mBq/ℓ in the steam bath room (727-2,395% of Rn-free district) may contribute on Rn spa therapy, as we have no experiences of bio-negative effects of Rn on epidemiology study. It seems probable that the early data of cosmic radiation effects to promote reproduction rate on the primitive organisms have significance and that the ambient radiation is essential for normal physiological function and life of the living organisms. In order to share the benefit of hormetic effects (hormesis) with Radon springs, optimal dosis should be determined together with the development of precise micro-dosimetry.ラドン泉浴の保温作用は,薬効的には高濃度(13,764-23,743Bq/ℓ)ラドンの吸入による組織循環の改善による。ラドンによる脈管作動的機序はなお明らかにし得ていないが,末梢循環改着作用に基づく保温効果は疲労回復,及び退行性変性の慢性疼痛緩解に適応を有する。生物に対する放射能は,すべて有害とする認識が一般的であるが,自然放射能を含めてその刺激作用によりbio-positiveの恩恵を受けている。ラドン泉浴によるbio-negativeの報告も見られる中で,ホメオスターシスの維持に必要なbio-positiveなhormetic effectsとしての刺激作用の解明が望まれる。
論文 | ランダム
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