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It is a well-known fact that knowing cardiac output and blood flow volume in a certain region of the body is of importance not only in clinical practice but also in physiology. Furthermore, it would be ideal if they were measured, simply, non-invasively and repeatedly without torture to patients. The ultrasonic Doppler method has been believed to be suitable and modified for this purpose. However, critical shortcoming in this method is that this method lacks quantitative determination because sectional area of the vessels is unknown. This study was to develop a new non-invasive method of determining blood flow volume by combining echocardiography to Doppler method. Echocardiography is able to determine the diameter of the vessels and Doppler method simultaneously determines blood flow velocity in it. Then, blood flow volume becomes obtainable. This study of applying Doppler and echocardiographic probes in a short interval showed a good correlation of blood flow volume obtained with this method to that obtained with electromagnetic method. It was also found that cardiac output was obtainable by measuring the blood flow volume of the common carotid artery with the method. Correlation coefficient (r) between the diameter obtained by echocardiography and that measured with a ruler was 0.99 with a regression equation of y=0.89x + 0.22 (p<0.001). r between blood flow volume obtained with this method and that measured by electromagnetic probe was 0.96 with y=0.928x - 0.03 (p<0.001). Estimation of cardiac output from the blood flow volume of the left common carotid artery, which was determined with this method, was accurate with r=0.90 (y=37.08 + 18.9, p<0.001). With these data, it was concluded that this new method, namely, a combination of Doppler method and echocardiography, was accurate enough to clinical use to determine regional blood flow volume and it was also available to estimate cardiac output from the blood flow volume of the left common carotid artery. Moreover, this new method is measurable repeatedly without invasion and torture to patients with simple technique.近年,方向指示型超音波ドプラー血流計による末梢動脈,ことに総頸動脈の血流波形と心拍出量との関連を分析した報告がみられるようになった.これらの報告は非観血的に超音波ドプラー血流計を用いて,血流速度を連続的に測定しながら負荷を与えたり,術中,術後の心拍出量の変化を経時的に追う方向の有効性を強調している.しかし,こうした測定法では精度に関する限り,非観血的であるという理由からそれほど厳しい要求をなされていない.これらの欠点よりも経時的な相対変化を簡単に,無侵襲で追跡できるという他の追従を許さない特徴を活用できるため,外科臨床においても,術後の患者の経過観察の目的で心拍出量を知るための重要なパラメーターとなりうることによって有力な手段とされてきた.本研究は血流波形の分析のみならず,流量の定量化を試みたもので,超音波ドプラー法と超音波カルディオグラフィの組合せにより,一方の短所を他方の長所で補うことで好結果を得た.超音波ドプラー法で血流速度を経時的に計測し,同時に超音波カルディオグラフィによってその時々の血管径を計測し,波形の積分により流速を算出し,血管径より血管断面積を乗じて血流量の測定を試みた.実験方法は,左総頸動脈流量を中心に行い,流量の基準として電磁流量計を用いた.電磁流量計によって得られた心拍出量と,左総頸動脈の流量比の相関をだし,逆に左頸動脈の流量より心拍出量の推定を行ったものである.実験犬数は15頭で,電磁流量計でえられた左総頸動脈流量は超音波ドプラー法と超音波カルディオグラフィ法によってえられた流量の相関は,y=0.92x-0.03,r=0.96,P<0.001と高い相関関係を示し,さらに,この流量より心拍出量を推定した10例では,y=37.0x+18.9(r=0.90,p<0.001)の結果をえた.本法の臨床応用にあたっては非観血的であるだけに繰返し簡単に,しかも無侵襲に行いうるものであり,術後患者の経過観察のための重要なパラメーターとして好結果を期待できるものである.
- 1980-06-30
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