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Clinical effect of spa therapy was evaluated in 12 patients with lumbargo by a scoring system based on the standard judgement of therapy for lumbargo by Japanese Society of Orthopedics. The score for each category ofsubjective symptoms, objective symptoms, daily life activity, and disorder of urinary bladder, and total score calculated from each score were compared before and after spa therapy. A significant improvement of subjectivesymptoms, daily life activity, and total score was observed after spa therapy. However objective symptom was not significantly improved. The effects of spa therapy waslarger in patients under age of 65, and in those who had long-term spa therapy more than 80 days during their admission. The results suggest that spa therapy ISeffective for patients with lumbargo.腰痛症患者12例を対象に温泉療法の臨床効果について検討した。臨床効果の判定は,日本整形外科学会の腰痛治療成績判定基準に基づき,自覚症状,他覚症状,及び日常生活動作などの項目を中心に,治療前後で比較検討した。その結果,自覚症状,日常生活動作,総計では,治療前に比べ治療後に有意の改善がみられた。また改善指数や改善率での検討でも温泉療法の有効性が示唆された。年齢別(60才以上と60才未満),入院期間(80日以上と80日未満)別の検討では,65才未満の症例,80日以上の入院の症例において,改善指数,改善率が,有意差はみられなかったもののより高い傾向がみられた。
- 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院の論文
岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院 | 論文
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