Rehabilitation for patients with respiratory disease. Spa efficacy in relation to pathophysiological characteristics of bronchial asthma.
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近年老年者の呼吸器疾患が増加しつつある。老年者の呼吸器疾患の病態的特徴は若年者のそれとは明らかに異なっている。本論文では,老年者の呼吸器疾患,なかでも気管支喘息に対する温泉療法を中心としたリ-ビリテ-ションについて,その病態的特徴と関連して若干の知見を述べる。複合温泉療法は2つの作用,すなわち直接作用と間接作用を有している。患者の自,他覚症状は1-2カ月の温泉療法により明らかに改善傾向を示すが,同時に,換気機能の改善,気道過敏性や気道抵抗の低下が観察される。これらの温泉療法の直接作用のはか,呼吸筋の増強,自律神経系の安定化,精神的リラックス,低下した副腎皮質機能の改善,などの間接作用も観察される。気道の病態生理的特徴より分類した喘息の臨床病型に関しては,過分泌や細気管支閉塞を伴うような病型に対して,温泉療法は有効性が高い。これらの結果は,複合温泉療法が呼吸器疾患の治療ないしリハビリテーションとして有用であることを示している。The number of patients with respiratory disease in the elderly has been increasing in recent years. Pathophysiological characteristic of respiratory diseases in older patients is clearly different from that in younger patients. In this study, rehabilitation for patients with respiratory disease, particularly bronchial asthma, in the elderly was discussed in relation to pathophysiology of asthma. Complex spa therapy has two kinds of actions, direct and indirect actions. Subjective and objective symptoms of patients with asthma are improved by spa therapy for 1-2 months, accompanied with improvement of ventilatory function, and decrease in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and respiratory resistance. In addition to these direct action of spa therapy, increase in strength of respiratory muscle, stability of autonomic nerve syetem, psychical relaxation, and inprovement of suppressed function of adrenocortical glands are observed as indirect action of spa therapy. Regarding clinical asthma type classified by pathophysiological changes of the airways, spa therapy was more effective in patients with hypersecretion and bronchiolar obstruction. These results suggest that complex spa therapy is available as rehabilitation and/or treatment for patients with respiratory disease.
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