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To determine the effects of physical loading on the health status of children who attend a dance class after school, changes in subjective and objective symptoms of the children caused by the exercise were studied. In addition, the situation of outdoor exercise in daily life was analyzed, and the fundamental problems of health care for children examined. In the present investigation, eleven elementary school students (girls) exercised in a dance room for 60 minutes, and subjective symptoms of fatigue, flicker fusion values, and excretion of urinary protein were determined before and after dancing. The subjective symptoms of fatigue were not changed by the dance exercise, though symptoms of "wanting to lie down" and "thirsty" were frequent complaints (73%) before dancing, which suggests that these symptoms were of fatigue caused before 16 : 00 p. m. Flicker fusion values before and after physical loading were not changed by dance exercises. The specific gravity of urine and urinary pH were not changed after dancing. The concentration of urinary protein and the excretion of urine per hour tended to increase after dancing. A comparison was made in urinary volume and protein between swimming and dance practice. The urinary volume was increased after swimming, and it was not changed by dance practice. The concentration of urinary protein was significantly decreased after swimming (p<0.01), though it was increased after dancing (p<0.10).
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