Dietary supplementation with n-3 fatty acids in bronchial asthma correlated with the generation of LTB4 and LTC4
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近年,ロイコトリエンと遅発型気管支反応(LAR)との密接な関連が注目されている。本論文では,アラキドン酸(AA)代謝を通してロイコトリエン合成に関与すると推定される,αリノレン酸を多く含むエゴマ油による食事療法の臨床効果を,気管支喘息を対象に検討した。臨床症状および換気機能は,2週間のエゴマ油投与で明らかな改善差傾向を示した。Ca ionophore A23187刺激時の白血球のLTB4およびLTC4産生は,エゴマ油投与により,投与前に比べ有意の減少を示した(p<0.05)。血中脂肪酸に関しては,イエイコサペンタエン酸(EPA),ドコサヘキサエン酸(DHA)およびAA濃度は,エゴマ油投与により増加傾向を示し,同時にEPA/AA比も増加する傾向が見られた。以上の結果より,エゴマ油による食事療法は,治療上有用であると考えられた。In recent years, it has been noted that there is a close correlation between leukotrienes and late asthmatic reaction (LAR). In this study, effects of dietary supplementation with perilla seed oil rich in alpha-linolenic acid, which is speculated to affect the generation of leukotrienes through metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA), were evaluated in 6 patients with asthma. The symptoms and ventilatory function were improved after 2-week dietary supplementation with perilla seed oil. The generation of LTB4 and LTC4 by peripheral leucocytes stimulated with Ca ionophore A23187 was significantly suppressed by the dietary supplementation (LTB4 and LTC4 ; p<0.05). Regarding the composition of fatty acids in serum phospholipids, the concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and AA tended to increase after the supplementation, accompanied with an increase in the ratio of EPA to AA. These results suggest that dietary supplementation with perilla seed oil brings beneficial effects in the treatment of asthma.
論文 | ランダム
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