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We have clinically applied a newly developed radiographic system which was introduced into our institute in April 1994. This system consists of a fluoroscope, CCD (charge-coupled device) which had a million matrix, and digital image processor. This system has following advantages comparison with a conventional radiographic system ; (1) doses of x-ray exposuce during examination is less, (2) a sharp fluoroscopic image can be obtained by real-time image processing, (3) radiographic images can be kept in the recording device such as hard disc (HD) and magnetic optical disc (MOD) since this has a digital radiographic system. By connecting this system with main online system, it is expected to be able to see the various diagnostic images simulataneously as well as laboratory data at different spots of the hospital which is now available in other hospltal.画像の入力部に世界初100万画素の多画素・高精細のCCD(電荷結合素子)を用いたテレビカメラを搭載したX線テレビ装置とDigital・Radiography装置を導入し,主に消化管検査を中心に多目的に任用した。このシステムは従来のscreen/filmシステムの持つ膨大な情報量を確保しながらCCDカメラのメリットを最大限に生かしており,DRシステムの特長であるリアルタイムのCRT撮影画像表示,透視像のFREEZE確認,動態解析,画像処理等を導入することにより診断能の向上がはかれた。更に,従来X線フィルム・撮像管に比較して被曝量の大幅な低減が期待できた。また,デジタルであるため撮影像をHDに保管すると共にMODにも記録・再生が可能である。今後,PACSやフイルムレス電子媒体保管への展開の可能性についても確認できた。
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