Changes in the molecular sieve of glomerular basement membrane in rats with aminonucleoside nephrosis.
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<p>Isolated and purified glomerular basement membranes (GBM) of normal and aminonucleoside (PAN) nephrosis rats were observed by electron microscopy after negative staining. Although GBM of normal rats appeared as a molecular sieve with uniform pores, GBM of nephrotic rats showed enlargement and elongation of the pores. For an average of fifty pores, the long dimension was 40.4+/-10.7 A and the short dimension 13.8+/-3.6 A in nephrosis whereas the long dimension was 12.3+/-2.5 A and the short dimension 8.4+/-1.0 A in normal rats. Changes in the pores in GBM were thought to result in increased permeability of serum protein and hence proteinuria.</p>
論文 | ランダム
- 経験と考察 [ケイ]骨近位端の不顕性骨折および脆弱性骨折13例の検討
- 問題点の検討 人工股関節にて非円形の断面をもつネックがoscillation angleの大きさに及ぼす有効性
- バイオメカニクス 異なるヘッド径,ネック径,回転中心位置の人工股関節におけるインピンジメントまでの可動域と脱臼までの可動域
- 臨床室 人工股関節全置換術での側臥位固定ポジショナーによると思われる感覚異常性大腿痛に手術的治療を行った1例
- 臨床室 初診時膝関節痛のみを訴え診断が遅延した高齢者の大腿骨頚部骨折の2例