Risk of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Slaughterhouse Workers in Kitakyushu City
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To clarify the risk of Toxoplasma gondii infection among slaughterhouse workers, we investigated Toxoplasma antibody in workers and swine in the meat center of Kitakyushu City and discussed the result from the standpoint of working conditions. Among 67 slaughterhouse workers, 22 were positive for Toxoplasma antibody(positive rate, 32.8%), while among 208 swine, 19 were positive(positive rate, 9.1%). When classified by ages of workers, positive rates in workers were 0% at the age of 30 or less and around 40% at the age of 31 and over. Especially, positive rate became as high as 66.7% in workers aged 61 and over. Positive rates for Toxoplasma antibody in workers classified by duration of employment were 25% for 5 years or less and 41.5% for 6 years and over. Moreover, there was no difference in positive rates of Toxoplasma antibody between swine slaughterers(positive rate, 32.4%)and cattle slaughterers(33.9%). Although overall positive rate of Toxoplasma antibody in slaughterers was higher, positive antibody in younger slaughterers or that of shorter duration of employment was considerably low In addition, since positive rate of Toxoplasma antibody in swine brought to the slaughterhouse has decreased remarkably in comparison to the previous study, risk of toxoplasmosis in slaughterhouse workers also seemed to have decreased.と畜場におけるトキソプラズマ感染の危険性を明らかにする目的で, 北九州市食肉センターにおけると畜従事者の作業行動を調査し, 同時にと畜従事者および搬入豚のトキソプラズマに対する抗体陽性率、抗体価の変動との関係を解析した.その結果, と畜従事者67人中トキソプラズマ抗体陽性22人(陽性率32.8%), 搬入豚は208頭中陽性19頭(陽性率9.1%)であった, と畜従事者の年齢および従業年数別の比較では, 30歳以下では0%, 31歳以上では40%前後の抗体陽性が認められ, 特に61歳以上では66.7%と高率であった.従業年数別では, 5年以下で25.0%, 6年以上で41.5%の抗体陽性が認められた.また, 豚と畜従事者(陽性率32.4%)と牛と畜従事者(33.9%)との間に抗体陽性率の差は認められなかった.と畜従事者は依然としてトキソプラズマに対する高い抗体陽性率を有しているが, 若年層および従業年数が少ない群では抗体陽性率がかなり低くなっている.また, 搬入豚の抗体陽性率が昔と比べ著しく低くなっていることから, と畜場におけるトキソプラズマ感染の危険性は低くなってきているものと推察された.
- 2001-09-01
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