English Language Policy and Practice in Japan
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自由論文This article examines the present and past polices and practices undertaken in Japan with regard to language education from societal and educational perspectives. Further, it will be discussed how English language policy in Japan relates to theoretical perspectives in the literature. It is argued that there has been a historical and continuing disparity between official goals and implementation that have rendered English language education less effective than otherwise might be. Although a reform of foreign language education policy in 2003 signals a positive move towards more effective communicate methods, failure to reimagine the university entrance exam system and continuing to take an egalitarian approach are evidence that language reform was never the underlying objective of foreign language policy. Rather, English education has always been pursued for national ecomonic goals rather than any individual linguistic needs.この論文では日本での言語教育が過去から現在に至るまで、社会にそして教育においてどのように取り入れられ、実行されてきたのかを様々な実例を挙げながら述べられている。特に英語教育がどのような形で社会に浸透していったか、またその教育方針の本来の公的な目的と過去から現在に至るまで続く現状との差も説明されている。英語教育がもたらす社会そして個人への影響や、日本経済へおよぼす効果などをこれまでの研究に基づいて指摘している。
- 2010-03-01
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