CharOphytes as a hyperaccumulator of lleaVy metals: role of calcirlCation and applicability in restoration of polluted water bodies
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Uptake of heavy metals to produceanintemal concentration greaterthaninthe external environment appears widespread in aquatic organisms. Thus remediation of metaland heavy metal contaminated waters by aquatic plants has a prominent role in aquatic eco-systems. Here we discuss the capacity of a characean alga Nitella pseudoflabellata to accumulate heavy metals, in the context of calcite encrustation Preliminary Investigations based on varylng concentrations of Cr6+ and Ca showed a positive correlation between calcification of plants and shoot elongation. Similar trend was observed between Cr levelsand calcification of plants. Subsequentlymicrocosms were maintained for a period of 1 year for two heavy metal treatments; 012 mgL-1 cr6+and O・01 mg・Lll Cd withthe objective of assessmg the role of calcite encrustation on heavy metal accumulation, In bothcases, alkaline areas contained over 50% of total heavy metals, elucidating c?1cification to play a significant role. Speciation of sediment showed 35 % of total Cr, in the formof carbonate-bound, whereas carbonate-bound kaction of Cd was observed 43 % of total Cd. Thick marl sediment frequently observed in charophyte habitats suggests long termstorage of heavy metalsinless bioavailableforms could be possible Furthermore charophytes compare well to commonly used vascular plants in their role in remediation舟om hydroponic environments at dilute heavy metal concentrations. Thuscharophytes canbe a potential tool for naturalremediation of heavy metal contaminated water bodies.
- 2010-02-10
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