Genetic characterization of ayu Plecoglossus aliivelis aliivelis occurred in Nakaumi Lagoon
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Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis is a common fish that is composed by two major forms, amphidrDmOuS and landlocked forms, based on itsannual1ife history. Althoughrecent decline in the reserves of amphidromous stocks in rivers has prompted frequent transplantations from landlocked stocks, a low survival rate of larvae of the landlocked fbm occllrS during periods of high water temperature in seawater. In brackish water environment, however, non-native landlocked form may survive and show sympatric distribution with mother populations. This study was conducted to verifythe genetic status of ayll 0cclmed in Nakaumi Lagoon, which is the second largest brackish lake in Japan. Nucleotide sequence polymoIPhism of the first 300 bp of themitochondrial DNA control region Was analyzed for 30 individuals including each 15 Specimens collected from 2 locales ofNakaumi Lagoon in May 2009, along with each 15 reference specimens oftheamphidromous and landlocked stocks. Comparatively high1evels of nucleotide substitution were observedwith 35 polymoIPhic sites from Nakatlm population and 40 sites from the amphidromous stock, as contrasted with24 sites from the landlocked stock. Based on nucleotide sequences at 5 hypervariable sites, 2 haplotypes occured in only the amphidromousstock were obtained at a high frequency in Nakaumi Population These results suggest that the amphidromous form forms the majority of Nakaum population.
- 2010-02-10
論文 | ランダム
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