- 論文の詳細を見る
Cisplatinum was used in the treatment of urological cancer. 27 patients of this study consisted of 6 cases of bladder cancer, 7 cases of prostatic cancer, 4 cases of non-seminoma to us testicular tumor and 3 cases of renal cell cancer. They had all objectively measurable or evaluable lesions of malignant disease. After 1,000 ml of saline was injected, 1.0-2.0 mg/kg of Cisplatinum diluted in 500 ml of 5% glucose including KCL 20 mEq/l, Mannitol 50 ml and Droperidol 3.0 ml was administrated in 3 hours by single dose or multiple dose regimen combined with vincristine 1.0 mg and adriamycin 30 mg or bleomycin 30 mg. Complete response was achieved in one case of bladder cancer, partial response was done in 3cases of bladder cancer, 4 cases of prostatic cancer, and all cases of non-seminoma to us testicular tumor. But no response was obtained in all case of renal cell cancer. As to side effects, nephrotoxicity was appeared in all cases but only two cases had to discontinue the administration. Myelosuppression was shown in 2 cases, which was considered to be induced by vincristine or adriamycin, rather than Cisplatinum. Hypomagnesemia and extrapyramidal tract sign were found in one case, which was made attention. Nausea and vomiting were complained of in all cases. The complaints were able to be suppressed by using the Droperidol.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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