- 論文の詳細を見る
A 46-year-old woman with a year and 10 months history of left flank pain was admitted to our clinic in January, 1980. Several x-ray examinations and abdominal computed tomography revealed left renal tumor. At laparotomy, the tumor was seen as if originating from the lower pole of the left kidney, and infiltrating the psoas muscle. The tumor including the left kidney and superficial layer of the psoas muscle was removed. The surgical specimen weighed 310g. Microscopically, there was an intact renal capsule between the tumor and renal parenchyma. So, the tumor was considered to be retroperitoneal in origin. Pathological diagnosis was leiomiyosarcoma. Postoperatively, actinomycin-D 0.5mg daily was administered for 5 days. But, it was discontinued because of anorexia. About 6 months after operation, chest x-ray examination disclosed lung metastasis. One year after operation, the patient died of multiple visceral metastasis, i.e., to the lungs, right kidney, liver and pancreas. Lumbar spines and contralateral retroperitoneal metastasis were also seen. The 27 cases reported in Japan, including our case, were tabulated and some discussion was made.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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- Hernia uteri inguinalisの1例 : 第303回北陸地方会
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- 巨大前立腺癌の1例 : 第339回北陸地方会
- 睾丸類表皮嚢胞の1例 : 第338回北陸地方会
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- 先天性前部尿道憩室の1例 : 第291回北陸地方会
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- 膀胱と虫垂の重複癌の1例 : 第360回北陸地方会
- 当科における過去4年間の急性副睾丸炎の臨床的検討 : 第343回北陸地方会
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- cystitis glandularisの1例 : 第299回北陸地方会
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- 気腫性膀胱炎の1例 : 第351回北陸地方会
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- 尿膜管結石の1例 : 第287回北陸地方会
- 睾丸回転症の3例 : 第286回北陸地方会
- 石川県中央病院泌尿器科開設以来4年3ヵ月間の臨床統計 : 第279回北陸地方会
- 当院尿路結石患者の尿酸値 : 第268回北陸地方会
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- 外傷を契機に血尿を認めた腎盂腫瘍 : 第266回北陸地方会