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A one-year and six-momths-old boy with bilateral Wilms tumor was presented. The patient was admitted on Jan. 14, 1977 with a chief complaint of abdominal distension. Clinical examinations and findings of intravenous pyelography and aortography disclosed bilateral Wilms tumor. After preoperative irradiation of 1800 rads on the whole abdomen with Lineac and administration of 0.75 mg vincristine once a week for 3 times, right nephrectomy and partial tumor resection of left kidney was performed on Feb. 4, 1977. Histologic findings confirmed nephroblastic type, Wilms tumor. Then the patient underwent postoperative irradiation of 2000 rads on the right abdomen, administration of 0.75 mg vincristine once a week for 12 times and of 0.15 mg actinomycin D 3 days every two weeks for 6 times. But after one year and a month from the first operation, the tumor recurred at the left kidney. Left partial nephrectomy was performed again on Apr. 14, 1978. The patient was placed on postoperative chemotherapy with 0.75 mg vincristine once a week for 7 times and 0.2 mg actinomycin D 3 days for 3 times. Finally the patient died four months after the second operation.
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