Computed Tomography(CT)による膀胱,前立腺疾患の研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
The computed tomography(CT) has been performed in 6 cases of normal prostate, 4 cases of prostatitis, 6 cases of early stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia, 21 cases of late stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia, 27 cases of prostatic carcinoma, and the pneumo -CT scan with the gas- filled bladder has been performed in 10 cases of bladder carcinomas. The CT gave an excellent visualization of form of the prostate and pelvic anatomic relationships. A significant difference of EMI unit has been observed between benign prostatic hyperplasia (EMI unit: 14.6±4.4) and prostatic carcinoma (EMI unit: 24.7±4.4). The volume of prostate has been estimated from the following formula as an ellipsoid, π/6 AxBxC (A) maximum transverse diameter in the CT (B) anteroposterior diameter in the CT (C) length of the prostatic urethra in the urethrogram. A highly significant correlation has been recognized between the postoperative weight of the prostatic in eighteen cases and the prostatic weight estimated from this method. A new method of the pneumo-CT with the gas-filled bladder has been presented and evaluated. Direct visualization of the extent of tumor adjacent soft tissue struture is possible. It is considered that this method also has an advantage to be able to evaluate the effect of anti-cancer drug therapy.
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