Isolation and culture of microvascular endothelial cells from murine inguinal and epididymal adipose tissues
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Adipose tissue has long been considered to be a simple tissue that contains adipocytes. Because of this, the isolation and characterization of microvascular endothelical cells, which are also present in adipose tissue, have been neglected, even though they are components of a capillary network that surrounds each individual adipocyte. Here we report on a protocol for producing highly purified murine microvascular endothelial cells (MECs) from diverse sites of murine adipose tissues including inguinal and epididymal adipose tissues. The method is based on a combination of negative and positive immunomagnetic selection. The protocol involves the preparation of a single cell suspension (digestion, filtration and density gradient centrifugation), immunomagnetic enrichment of the CD45- cell population and the purification of the MECs by a combination of common specific markers CD31, CD102 and isolectin B4. The isolated MECs can be successively cultured for 10 to 12 passages without any detectable changes in morphology and phenotype. Therefore, the method described herein represents a protocol for the isolation and long-term maintenance of highly pure mouse MECs in high yields from adipose tissues.
- 2010-05-31
原島 秀吉
梶本 和昭
Akita Hidetaka
Lab. For Molecular Design Of Pharmaceutics Fac. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido Univ.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
Harashima Hideyoshi
Department Of Pharmacokinetics And Pharmaceutics Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The Univ
Akita Hidetaka
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
Hida Yasuhiro
Department Of Surgical Oncology Hokkaido University Graduate School
Hida Kyoko
Department Of Vascular Biology Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Dental Medicine
Ohga Noritaka
Department Of Vascular Biology Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Dental Medicine
Hayashi Yasuhiro
Department Of Surgical Oncology Graduate School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Kajimoto Kazuaki
Department Of Epidemiology Divisions Of Preventive Medicine
Hida Kyoko
Department Of Oral Pathology And Biology Division Of Vascular Biology Hokkaido University
Harashima Hideyoshi
Fac. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido Univ. Kita-12 Nishi-6 Kita-ku Sapporo 060-0812 Jpn
Kajimoto Kazuaki
Fac. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido Univ.
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