唐代仏教における「事」的思惟の変遷 : 華厳文献を中心として
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“The non-obstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal”(shi shi wu’ai 事事無〓)is a representative concept of Huayan Buddhism and a way of thinking that emphasizes the phenomenal (shi 事) paying maximum attention to the phenomenal world.// The doctrine of four kinds of dharmadhātu (fajie 法界) wherein this notion of the “nonobstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal” is placed at the highest level, has been regarded as a distinctive expression of the thought of the Huayan school in China. However, Fazang 法藏(643–712), the third patriarch and the systematizer of Huayan doctrine not only did not place the concept of “non-obstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal” at the top, but did not even use the term in his writings. The same is true for his disciple Huiyuan 慧苑(673?–743?).// In this paper, we focus on the concept of “non-obstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal,” taking into consideration the attitude of Huayan scholars toward the phenomenal world in terms of its history of development. Additionally, in reference to this concept, we examine the placement in the history of ideas of the text Huayan wujiao zhiguan 華嚴五敎止観, the authorship and dating of which have up until now not been adequately clarified. Our findings can be summarized as follows.// In Fazang’s five kinds of dharmadhātu doctrine, he did not place the concept “nonobstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal” on top. Rather, he regarded as paramount the non-obstruction of the phenomenal and the absolute (li 理), the absolute and the phenomenal , one and all as unhindered (wu zhang’ai 無障〓), as conceived in the worldview of the Buddhāvataṃsakasūtra. Further, this attitude can be confirmed from his disciple Huiyuan.// Differing on this point was Chengguan 澄觀(738–839), the fourth patriarch, and the one who established the doctrine of four kinds of dharmadhātu, placing emphasis on the notion of “non-obstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal” taking the One Mind (yixin―心) as its basis. He applied himself in the explication of this concept using a rigorous approach, one which was similar to an awareness of the issues of the contemporaneous Chan Buddhists.// In addition, we work out the history of ideas from Fazang to Chengguan with a central focus on the notion of “non-obstruction between the phenomenal and the phenomenal,” within the framework of which we examine the Huayan wujiao zhiguan, clarifying the fact that this text was composed within the time period starting from 740 up to the date when the northern school of Chan Buddhism (Beizong 北宗) faded into the background.
- 2010-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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