進行膀胱癌の化学療法--とくに,膀胱全摘不能例について (第2回泌尿器がん化学療法研究会学術集会)
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1. In the past 7 years and 8 months, 21 cases of advanced bladder cancer which are not indicated for total extirpation were hospitalized at Urological Dept. of Osaka Medical College. In 16 cases out of 21, the tumor was treated by chemotherapy combined with cobalt irradiation, TUR or TUC, simple excision of tumor, and C060 irradiation alone. The other 5 cases, were treated by urinary diversion alone. In the cases treated by combined chemotherapy and C060 irradiation alone, one year observed survival rate was 50%, 2 years 38.5%, 3 years 38.5%, 4 years 19% and 5 years 19%. In the case treated by urinary diversion alone, one year observed survival rate was 20%, 2 years 20% and 3 years 0%. The former group showed 5 years observed survival rate higher than the latter group. 2. Chemotherapy was used in 11 cases out of 16 cases of the former group, it was effective(1-A) in 3 cases (27%), fairly effective (0-A, B, C) in 2 cases (18%), in ineffective (0-0) in 6 cases (55%), according to the Karnofsky's categories of response.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
泌尿器科紀要刊行会 | 論文
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- Modified M-VAC療法後に残存腫瘍切除を施行した進行尿路上皮癌患者の治療成績