大阪膀胱腫瘍研究会報告(1) 大阪府下における膀胱腫瘍患者の疫学的調査
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This is a statistical study of age and sex, chief complaints and regional distribution of 850 patients with bladder tumors who consulted the urological clinics belonging to the Bladder Tumor Study Group in Osaka during the one and a half years from January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976. 1. Age: The greatest number of patients is found in the age group 60-69 years old, followed by those 70-79 years old and then those 50-59 years old. The ratio of patients to the general population of Osaka Prefecture under 39 years of age is 0.69 per 100,000. The ratio increases with age rapidly and at least one out of every 1,000 persons has a bladder tumor among those over 70 years of age. Sex: The ratio of male to female patients is 3.3 to 1.0. 2. Chief complaints: The most common complaint is macroscopic hematuria (76%), followed by pollakisuria (12%), pain on urination (10%), and no symptoms (2%). 3. Regional distribution: 714 patients of the 850 (84%) are from Osaka Prefecture, and 73 from Hyogo Pref. (8.6%). The remaining 7.4% are from several other prefectures. 326 patients of the 714 (45.7%) from Osaka Pref. are residents of Osaka City. Per 100,000 of the population of Osaka Pref. 8.6 people have bladder tumors, and per 100,000 of the residents of Osaka City the number increases .to 11. 7. Therefore, the frequency of patients with bladder tumors in Osaka City is considerably higher than in Osaka Pref.
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