- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to evaluate the clinical significance of transrectal needle biopsy for prostatic malignancies, 77 specimens from 62 patients were examined and their complications were also observed. The patients were divided into the following 3 groups according to the extent of lesion on rectal examination. Grade 1 group: The prostate gland harboring hard nodules and a clear median sulcus. Grade 2 group: The prostate gland showing entirely hard swelling and an unclear median sulcus. Grade 3 group: The prostate gland showing entirely hard swelling associated with invasive lesions in the surrounding tissues. However, 6 patients were excluded from the grouping because of unsatisfactory record, and 3 patients with prostatic sarcoma were omitted because their consistence is far distinct from the definition. The biopsy specimens of 2 patients in the Grade 1 group (13 patients), 17 patients in the Grade 2 group (22 patients) and 14 patients in the Grade 3 group (16 patients) revealed the histological evidence of prostatic carcinoma. No severe complications occurred, but urethral or rectal bleeding was encountered in 19 patients (24.7 per cent) and infections in 8 patients (10.4 per cent).
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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