発生頻度,膀胱鏡所見,組織学的所見について (膀胱腫瘍の臨床統計-1,2-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Statistical analysis was performed on tumors of the urinary bladder seen in the Department of Urology of Nagoya City University Hospital during 20 years from January of 1923 to December of 1942. In this report, incidence rate, cystoscopic findings and histological findings were studied. 1) Number of patients with primary bladder tumor was 178 during 20 year period, which was calculated as 0.86% of all the outpatients of these cases, 129 were male and 49 were female, the male-to-female ratio being 2.6. Annual increase or decrease of incidence rate was not observed. The age distribution ranged from 18 to 94 and the majority of patients were in the sixth decade. The total of over 50 year-old age groups occupied 82%. 2) Sixty-one per cent of all the tumors were single and 39% were multiple. Fifty-four per cent of all tumors were "small" (rice-grain sized~thumb's head sized) and 33% were "medium" (thumb's head sized~walnut sized). Twenty five per cent of all tumors were papillary and pedunculated, 36% were papillary and sessile, 38% were non-papillary and sessile. Thirty-five per cent of all single tumors were located on the lateral wall and 30% on the posterior wall. However, as to multiple tumors, 29% were located on the posterior wall and 26% on the lateral wall. 3) Histological patterns of the tumors consisted of 77 cases of transitional cell carcinoma, 3 of adenocarcinoma and 3 of squamous cell carcinoma. According to Ackerman's classification, distribution of 72 cases of transitional cell carcinoma showed 22 grade 1, 22 grade 2, 24 grade 3, and 6 grade 4. 4) The grade of transitional cell carcinoma was examined in relation to chief complaints, size of tumors, gross appearance of tumors, number of tumors and age of cases. a) Hematuria occured as chief complaint in 58% of all cases. Pain on urination occurred in 15%, frequency of urination in 13%, dysuria in 7% and other complaints in 7%. No relationshipwas observed between the grade of transitional cell carcinoma and chief complaints. b) The grade of transitional cell carcinoma was correlated with size of tumors. Small tumors were benign (P<0.05) and large tumors were malignant (p<0.01). c) Only 5% of grade 1 tumors were non-papillary and sessile. None of grade 4 tumors were papillary and pedunculated. Papillary tumors were benign (p<0.01) and pedunculated tumors were also benign (p<0. 05). d) There was little relationship between the grade and number of tumors. However, multiple tumors which occurred over 9 in number were relatively malignant in comparison with multiple tumors which were under 9. e) No relationship was observed between the grade and age of cases.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
- 1973-05-00
- 日本泌尿器科学会「膀胱癌取扱い規約」にもとづいた膀胱腫瘍の病理組織学的検討 : 第30回泌尿器科中部総会
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- 両側に発生した副睾丸平滑筋腫の1例 : 第103回東海方地会
- 副腎皮質癌の1例 : 第101回東海地方会
- 膀胱頂部腺癌の1例 : 第100回東海地方会
- クローン病に類似した小腸病変が膀胱腫瘤を形成した1例 : 第167回東海地方会
- いわゆる"forgotten bladder''より頑固な膀胱出血を来した1例に対する温熱,水圧療法の効果 : 第173回東海地方会
- 疼痛を伴わない精索軸捻転の1例 : 第170回東海地方会
- 急性精巣上体炎の1例 : 第169回東海地方会
- 東海地方会泌尿器腫瘍登録による4年間の腎盂尿管腫瘍統計
- 東海地方会泌尿器腫瘍登録による4年間の膀胱腫瘍統計
- 腎盂腫瘍の3例 : 第30回泌尿器科中部総会
- 尿道静脈瘤 : 女子尿道出血の1因 : 第129回東海泌尿器科学会
- 外陰部単純疱疹に合併した尿閉の1例 : 第126回東海地方会
- 膀胱線維腫の1例 : 第126回東海地方会
- 成人男子にみられた激症型の出血性膀胱炎の1例 : 第122回東海地方会
- 右腎盂腫瘍を疑わしめた悪性リンパ腫の1例 : 第116回東海地方会
- 泌尿性殖器悪性腫瘍患者の細胞性免疫能とパラメーターについて
- 名古屋膀胱腫瘍研究会,参加5機関の膀胱部分切除術の成績
- 当教室における進行膀胱癌の化学療法
- 複雑性尿路感染症に対するPipemidic acid(PPA)の使用経験
- 副睾丸腫瘍の1例 : 第113回東海地方会
- 尿管腫瘍の2例 : 第112回東海地方会
- 膀胱癌の尿細胞診 (膀胱癌の臨床-2-(パネル・ディスカッション))
- 膀胱と乳腺の重複癌の1例 : 第105回東海地方会
- 52.尿路系細胞診成績(一般講演, 第15回日本臨床細胞学会総会講演要旨)
- 膀胱腫瘍の局所的化学療法としての2つのアイデア : 尿路変更後の膀胱腔内制癌剤注入療法と腫瘍内直接注入療法 : 第101回東海地方会
- Catheterless cutaneous ureterostomy の経験 : 第3回中部連合地方会
- 組織学的に診断困難であった腎腫瘍2例 : 第107回東海地方会
- Flavoxate hydrochloride内服錠とpentazocine内服錠の臨床治験 : 第103回東海方地会
- 尿停滞を伴う逆Y二分尿管の1例 : 第102回東海地方会
- 脳転移により意識障害を来たした膀胱腫瘍の1例 : 第106回東海地方会
- 診断困難であつた腎癌症例 : 第99回東海地方会
- カルボコン注入によると思われる膀胱萎縮(続報) : 第110回東海地方会
- 泌尿器科領域の疼痛に対するpentazocine内服錠の鎮痛効果とそれに伴う鎮静効果の検討
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- 膀胱に発生したinverted papillomaの臨床病理学的研究
- 発生頻度,膀胱鏡所見,組織学的所見について (膀胱腫瘍の臨床統計-1,2-)